This is a colored pencil drawing I finished awhile back. It is on a toothy paper that snatches all the color pigment. This technique is one of my favorites that I learned from western artist, Carrie Ballantyne. If you haven't heard of her, look her up- you are sure to learn something spectacular!


  1. i am from india and you don't get to see artists here at all. it is very rare. that cleared up i can now exclaim what i was gonna when i saw this pic:

    is that even possible by a human being from this planet!!!!!

  2. A-mazing!!!:) I've seen this one in person and spent several min staring thinking, "what a lovely pic for mandie to have purchased in an expensive art store..." then when you told me it was yours, i was astounded! Definitely my fav so far:) So beautiful:)

  3. I never would've looked at that and thought it were colored pencil! I love how you stretch out your horizons, your art has so many different looks! The texture on this one, especially on the background is beautiful. Again, her hands are perfect! How do you do it, crazy lady?!


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